January 7, 2021 Toastmaster Meeting

Resolutions was the appropriate theme for he first meeting of 2021. Madison Orcutt did a great job as toastmaster. Alla, Cindy and Mark gave inspiring speeches. Alla and Mark tied for best speaker of the evening. The best table topics award went to Katie and Robert for their creative answer to a challenging question. Margaret won the best evaluator award for her insight comments of Mark’s speech

Posted on January 14, 2021 .

December 17, 2020 Toastmaster Meeting

The last meeting of 2020 was a special super fun meeting with guest speaker, the awesome improvisational master Chris Nielson . http://chrisnielson.com Chris is a professional speaker and coach . Chris ied the group through a series of fun creative games while speaking about the rules that make improv a wonderful tool for personal and professional growth. It was a fun and inspiring evening.

Posted on January 14, 2021 .

December 10th, 2020 Toastmaster Meeting

Our meeting theme of “Celebrating the Solstice” was perfect for this time of year. Our ToastMaster Mark selected the topics and ran a very organized and enjoyable meetings. We had our newest member Kamran deliver his fascinating icebreaker speaker. Keith gave a moving speech about the “Make a Wish”foundation. And Terrie won best speaker for her excellent speech on “What is your view from the window?” Kimberly hosted a lively table topic session which newer member Cathy won with her thoughtful answer. The best evaluator award went to Moeko for her insightful comments on Kamran speech.

Posted on December 16, 2020 .

December 3, 2020 "I Want To Be A Better Speaker" Workshop

Kyra was the Toastmaster for a special “I Want to Be a Better Speaker” Workshop. This fun evening meeting consisted of 4 Workshop Sessions. Using Humor in Speech, Even When You Don’t Think You’re Funny hosted by Madison and Robert, Terrie hosted the workshop session Stage Presence on Zoom, How To Tell YOUR Story was conducted by Ghazala and Pat. Great Speech Organization was led by Kathleen and Cathy. The Workshop provided information and lots of interesting exercises to practice the concepts. The popularity of the workshop ensures it’s return next year.

Posted on December 16, 2020 .

November 19th, 2020 Toastmaster Meeting

Thanksgiving and Family Traditions was the appropriate theme for this November meeting. Our Toastmaster Michelle conducted and fun and well organized meeting. We had wonderful speeches from Terrie during and toast and Ghazala speaking about mentors. Moeko won best speaker of the night for her speech on leadership. Best evaluator went to new member Kimberly and returning member Kathy won for her great answer during table topics.

Posted on November 30, 2020 .

November 12th, 2020 Toastmasters Meeting

Our marvelous Toastmaster Moeko selected Girl Power for the meetings theme. An inspiring theme it had the members recall the females that influenced them in their lives. Patricia gave an interesting speech while Kyra moderated a fascinating panel discussion with Terrie, Carter and Steven on ethical leadership. The best evaluator aware went to Ghazala. Margaret won the best table topics award for her fun answer to the table topic question.

Posted on November 26, 2020 .

November 5th, 2020 Toastmasters Meeting

“It starts with Us” was the inspirational theme from our inspirational Toastmaster Keith. We had fascinating speeches from Haidong and Terrie with Madison winning the best speaker award. Ghazala won the award for best Table Topics with her interesting answer. Kyra won best evaluator for her review of Terrie’s speech.

Posted on November 19, 2020 .

October 29th, 2020 Halloween Ghostly Ghoul Gathering

The theme for the last meeting of October was a Ghostly Ghoul Halloween Gathering. The toastmaster Cathy was also the best contest winner. Yakub gave his icebreaker speech. Katie gave a fascinating presentation explaining hashtags and Kimberly won best speaker with with moving speech “Who am I”. Terrie won best evaluator on her insightful comments New member Hadong won best table topics with his fun answer to tabletops master Moeko’s finish this story.

Posted on November 12, 2020 .

October 22nd, 2020, Toastmaster Meeting,

Celebration Day! When COVID-19 is over! was the theme of the meeting. Our Toastmaster Robert had the members anticipating all the great things to look forward to in the future. Wonderful species from All and Michelle. The best speaker award of the night went to Cindy about a significant birthday milestone. Katie won best Evaluator award with her constructive comment. The best Table Topics went to Terrie for her answer to the question if anything good happened for her during the pandemic.

Posted on October 29, 2020 .

***Member Spotlight*** Get to know the awesome members of Encinitas Toastmasters


Arden Reece

Encinitas Toastmaster Member

When I was in corporate marketing, I was part of Toastmasters. Then, when I started my own business 15 years ago, I joined the National Speakers Association (NSA) and went through their speaking program. I also participated in another high-profile speaking course from award-winning speaker  Patricia Fripp in Las Vegas.  It's been 10 years since I've practiced my craft and after bombing a keynote (You always will have at least one), I realized I lost my mojo. I then decided to explore Toastmasters again and finding this particular club in Encinitas has restored my self-confidence.  Although I don't give a lot of keynotes now, I do a lot of podcasts and interviews where I need to be clear and succinct. Toastmasters...especially Table Topics...helps me hone my message on color.  If you're interested in learning more about how color can communicate your message, visit justbehue.com for some free resources.


For new members, I'd say start volunteering and helping out. You'll soon get comfortable enough to practice your craft because you'll realize you're among the nicest, most supportive group of professionals in the area. Members of Encinitas Toastmasters are truly the gold standard in support, encouragement, and professionalism

Posted on October 22, 2020 .

October 8th, 2020 Toastmaster Meeting

“I have a Dream” was our inspiring theme for this weeks meeting from out Toastmaster Kyra. John and Robert had to share the Best Table Topics Award for their creative answer to Table Topics Master Steve’s great questions. Best Evaluator went to Madison for her great review. Fabulous speeches were given by all Katie and Terrie. The Best Speaker of the night went to Patricia for her funny tale of a daring adventure.

Posted on October 22, 2020 .


Our International and Humorous Speech Contest was held on zoom this year and was a resounding success thanks to our Contest chairperson Kathleen. We had 3 excellent speeches given in each category. In the International competition our Third Place Winner Mark gave a heartfelt speech about surviving COVID-19 called “What’s Your Choice?” Second Place Winner was Kyra with her compelling personal story, “Why Me? Why Not Me?” Terrie was our First Place Winner with her inspirational speech, “One Thousand Four Hundred and Forty”

Our Humorous competition had our newest member Yakub win the third place award sharing funny stories about growing up with his brother. Keith was the second place winner with his very creative and amusing “IceBreaker”. The first place winner went to Margaret for her hilarious speech , “The Teacher Who Cried Bleep”. Congratulations to all. The winners will go forward and compete at the Area Speech Contest on October 24, 2020.

Posted on October 4, 2020 .

September 24, 2020 Toastmaster Meeting

Toastmaster Terrie had a inspiring theme of “Dance Like No One is Watching.” Speaker Arden gave a fascinating speech on color. While speaker Madison entertained with a funny speech of a family vacation. Our best speaker aware for the night went to Ghazala for her funny and terrifying speech of zip lining. Our best evaluator award went to Alla for her insightful comments. Our best Table Topics award went to John. And a Enthusiasm award went to Margaret and new member Carter.

Posted on October 4, 2020 .

September 17, 2020 Meeting

Creative Problem Solving was the theme for the meeting from our Toastmaster Cathy. It fit well with our speakers. Moeko spoke about two entrepreneurs in her speech, “Who Made this?”. Alla gave a insightful speech about teaching children in “A Tale of Two Salads.” Mark won the Best Speaker competition with his heartfelt talk about surviving COVID 19 in “Choices”. Cindy won best table topics with her answer solving a problem using a team-based approach. Our best evaluator went to Terrie with her insightful and inspiring evaluation.

Posted on September 24, 2020 .

September 10, 2020 Meeting

A great meeting with our Toastmaster Katie and her theme of “School Days”. Fascinating speech from Arden “Just be Hue”. Looking forward to her book about color.. Kathleen did a fun speech on “Happiness Comes from …”. The best speaker award went to Keith from his moving speech on a young cancer patient. Brila won another Best Table Topics award with her creative answer to the Table Topics Master Terrie’s question about a photo. The Best Evaluator award went to Moeko.,

Posted on September 14, 2020 .

Annual Awards Celebration - September 3, 2020

Our Annual Awards Celebration was a fabulous event. The theme of the meeting was “And the Oscar Goes Too………”. Our Anniversary Toastmaster was our own Pat Rarus who also won the Most Stalwart Award. Our rising star award went to Moeko Wilson. The Most Improved Award was given to Ghazala Rehan. The Toastmaster of the Year award was shared between Gary Penn and Cathy Yavorsky. The Best Speaker of the Year Award went to Kyra Oliver. Very fun and creative presentations by all. The awards for Best Presenters was the combo of Donald Bruce and Katie Mccabe.

Posted on September 10, 2020 .

August 27, 2020 Meeting

Our Toastmaster Kathleen did a fabulous job with the theme of “Legacy”. There were three wonderful speeches, and great table topic answers.. Guest Jimmy won the Best Table Topics. Alla won Best Evaluator and Terrie won Best Speaker for the meeting for her speech “Play with Matches”

Speaker Estha gave an informative speech named “Bad Karma” about a special organization that helped women in India. There web site is White Rainbow Project!.

The end of August was the International Speech Competition. Here is the link to hear the speeches and be inspired!https://www.toastmasters.org/events/2020-international-convention/agenda

Posted on September 1, 2020 .

August 20,2020 Meeting

Wonderful job to our wonderful toastmasters John Swan with a theme of “Avoiding Politics” Congrats to Margaret Bergamin who won the Best Speaker ribbon. for her funny employment-related speech entitled, “The Teacher Who Cried %#&!”. Brila took the honors for her fun answer in Table Topics. Kyra Oliver won the ribbon for Best Evaluator!

Kyra shared her podcast with our very own Mark and Patricia and their COVID Experience.

Listen to it at https:/anchor.fm/kyra-oliver

Congrats to all! Check our Facebook page at: https://www.facebook.com/Encinitas-Toastmasters-1676603242616865/

Posted on August 23, 2020 .