How To Join

Becoming a Member of Toastmasters

Most people attend a meeting or two as guests before they join Toastmasters. To visit a meeting, contact Encinitas VP of Membership Cindy McNab at

If you have visited the Encinitas club and would like to join, ask the VP of Membership or any club officer for a membership application form.

Upon joining Toastmasters, you must pay a one-time $20 new member fee to receive educational materials from Toastmasters International, plus a one-time Encinitas Cub fee of $10, which aids in paying club expenses.

Once you have paid these initial fees, the semi-annual dues of $114 are billed in March and September, which cover the following six months. If you join between those periods, the membership officer will calculate a pro-rated share of the dues. 

Members also receive an online monthly subscription to Toastmasters International magazine. The cost of $114 every six months is a bargain for the tremendous rewards and education that Toastmasters provides with weekly meetings.

For additional information about Toastmasters, you can visit the District 5 Website or visit the Toastmasters International Website.

Why Join? (from TMI)

Survey after survey shows that presentation skills are crucial to success in the workplace. Many people pay high fees for seminars to gain the skills and confidence necessary to face an audience. Toastmasters provides an option that is less expensive and highly regarded in business circles. This organization has been around for over 86 years and offers a proven – and enjoyable – way to practice and hone communication and leadership skills.

You will…

  • Learn to communicate more effectively.

  • Become a better listener.

  • Improve your presentation skills.

  • Increase your leadership potential.

  • Become more successful in your career

  • Build your ability to motivate and persuade

  • Reach your professional and personal goals

  • Increase your self-confidence.

How you do it. . .

  • Build speaking and leadership skills with time-tested methods

  • Focus on areas of interest in our self-paced curriculum

  • Receive suggestions for improvement through constructive evaluations

Toastmasters programs are inexpensive, interactive, convenient, friendly, and supportive.

More than four million people have discovered the benefits of this proven learning formula. What are you waiting for?

Welcome to Toastmasters!

Become a Member